Traditional TV and newspapers media was completely taken over by bloggers and vloggers. Except it was strictly controlled. Only people with a license could write texts and upload videos on the global centralized network. Disinformation and the content outside of rules are punishable. Sometimes very harsh.

That kind of practices were happening between 2012 - 2030. At that time, the internet brought a lot of desinformation, fake news, different opinions usually without professional background and as such without value. Result was global confusion and destruction of social cohesion. The system of media was about to fall apart only because of that factor of global confusion, regardless of other destructive factors happening in that time.

So today we have really extreme laws considering writing texts on global network and uploading videos. One such law is the prohibition of unlicensed videos. Fun or home amateur videos could be only 33 seconds long without any verbal explanation in it. Verbal information in the video are considered to be news and educational information, so a licence is required.

Documenting reality was limited to 33 seconds per video, without any further pieces of information in it. Filming and uploading such videos and photographs of my surrounding is my prime way of having fun. Also, sometimes I download and listen to illegal Anon music which you can hear now.

Except that, we collect trash. Me and my mother. And that's it. This is what we do during the whole day.

It was also almost ridiculous what happened with art, aesthetics and culture. It started to regress. To go backward in the past. State of art during the second great depression has reached the point where new modern creations didn't have any value. Because everybody was starting to create and easily publish on the internet. The art world was filled with aesthetic modern trash and the public was starting to lose interest for it. There was nothing really new and truly interesting. So as a consequence everybody was returning to what was good in the world of art, aesthetics and culture, and that was usually the art of the 20th century.

But people didn't only want to enjoy old forms of art again. They had this great collective nostalgia in the form of a new trend: creating an illusion of a life from the 20th century. They did this by living inside of ''extended reality'' technologies or by creating similar objects again.