In Upgraded Capitalism economy, there is almost no production of the material. All material is made out of waste left behind the second industrial revolution. Collected by the lower class.

In Upgraded Capitalism economy, there is almost no production of the material. All material is made out of waste left behind the second industrial revolution. Collected by the lower class. Waste is recycled into material for 3D printers. And it's been distributed according to production capacities of each individual or each family, owners of 3D printers, home robotic farm factory or some other type of technology for the home production.

Small 3D printers have been given to single individuals or bigger ones to the families. When an individual or family finish the production in one production cycle, a corporation would collect their products, giving them other products in fair exchange. Other types of big productions such as transport technology are made in old fashioned facilities and factories. Except, that type of production is completely automatic. Usually run by giant robotic machinery, based on AI - machine learning software.

Machine learning software is made by human technicians, developers, and programmers. Although it is not very clear why machines doesn't program themselves. Anonymous points out one reason could be due to the tendency of corporations to maintain the status quo of this system. In the end, this is perfect capitalism and any big change like degrading a middle class to a level of a low class could be dangerous and counterproductive.

The presence of middle class in the equation is what keeps the political stability. The middle class is basically the center pillar of this system, balancing between the two social polarities.